Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tips and advice on juggling marriage, motherhood and life in general?

I am a stay-at-home 1st time mom to a 10 month old boy. I am constantly trying to find a happy medium in my day-to-day routine. I am somewhat of a neatfreak (more in that I like things to be tidy, not perfect), so that makes it a bit harder. I just can't feel at ease when my house is disorderly. I am a bit of an overachiever when it comes to some things. I try to be the best wife, cooking for my husband and keeping everything clean, etc. and I try my best to be the best mom. Even so, it always feels like I screw it up. I get so overwhelmed sometimes! I don' think I ever felt this kind of pressure and stress when I worked 2 jobs. I need some advice on managing my time for my son, my husband, my other family, my housework and myself.Tips and advice on juggling marriage, motherhood and life in general?
1. Don't sweat the small stuff

2. None of us are perfect

3. Take a few minutes each day for yourself

4. Take time each day for just you and your husband.No talking about the baby.This is couple time.

5. Try to do the most difficult chores while baby is napping.

6.Sing to baby while you are doing chores.It will keep him happy.

7.Don't try to do everything at once.Break your chores up into 15-20 minute intervals.Then spend 15 minutes with the baby.

8. Enjoy your son.They are only babies once.If you try too hard to be the ';best mom'; you are putting to much pressure on yourself and you will be missing a lot of the enjoyment.

9. If you don't have a slow cooker or crock pot you need to invest in one.Put the meal in the cooker in the morning and dinner will be ready when hubby gets home.On good days cook a double recipe and eat one and freeze the other.This works for most casseroles,meatloaf,speghetti sauce,etc...This is especially good on days when baby is fussy or sick.

10.At least once a month get a sitter and have a date night with your husband.This is really important.Sometimes after a couple has children they become mommy and daddy and forget how to be husband and wife.Don't let this happen.

11.Ask hubby to watch the baby every now and then so you can have girl time with family members of friends.

12.Learn to say no to people that ask for things that you don't have time to do or don't want to do.

13.Just remember if something doesn't get done today,there is always tomorrow.

I hope some of these tips will work for you.Don't be too hard on yourself.We ae only human.We are not perfect and never will be.Enjoy your baby and your life.Tips and advice on juggling marriage, motherhood and life in general?
I know what you mean, I have OCD and the main symptom for me is that everything has to be clean. But you have to make family time your priority. If you don't you will miss out on a lot of times that you can't get back. I am a stay at home Mom with 8 kids, if I can do it, so can you.
any time help is offered, take it! and let go of the fact that no one is going to do something the same as you, but in their own way they have done it just as well as you have.

don't forget that you are a person with her own wants and needs and they should be acknowledged and honored, even if you are the only one doing it.

most of all, live every day and enjoy it. don't get caught up in the details or the expectations, they mean nothing in the end.
10 month old is not easy to take care of but it will get easier.

Try to get outside help during this stressful time ( and it is stressful let me tell you). Ask help from Family,friends to take care of little one so you can hubby can take a break. Added stress is probably because you are with baby all day and not getting a break. I am been there and done that.

Also try to get your husband to take over more in the evenings. Share the work load and try to manage your

time better. Meals will have to be simple and quick %26amp;

house does not have to be in perfect order.

Enjoy these times with your baby as they don't come back.

I have two children ( 10 and 12) and they have given me the most joy in my life. It is all worth it.

In the end the size of your home, how clean it is, how good your meals, size of car, fancy crap will not matter . It is the quality time, love, and happy times that you will cherish and remember.
Yup, happens. And as well, apart from giving up a tidy, organized household, you have given up the next 20 years of your life, and easily $250,000 to raise this child to age 18, with nothing extra--no braces, no symphony tickets, no travel, no private art or music lessons should this child have talent, no nada...zilch. The only thing that money buys is a full belly, some television, a computer, some games, and in hs a phone, texting, and dope.....

So, what you are doing is what you will be doing.... stepping to the plate to become the best mom you can be to a child who never asked to be born.

There are no tips, hon. Being a parent is the hardest job in the world. And expensive beyond anything you ever dreamed.
I give you KUDOS for being sucha great mom-housewife-etc. lots of women become stay at home moms and get all lazy and complain about not wanting to cook and that the work is too much for them. you're doing GREAT!!

Well, I am a mom, i go to school and i work full time... the way I manage my time is the following:

I squeeze as much of my chores during the workday- for instance, i go to the gym at my lunch hour and do my errands before or right after work. That way, when i go pick up my son, i dont have to divert from him to do my errands.

Also, I will come home Friday night and my son and I do the housework together (your baby is still too little but eventually, have him help you out at home, give him little chores and stuff)

He enjoys it because he feels like he has a job/responsibility and knows i appreciate how he helps me out. So we do all the chores Friday night. This way, we dont have to do housework over the weekend and we can do fun stuff.

As for my schoolwork,, I devote one or two nights a week, after everyone is asleep, and do my work. This way, they dont feel neglected.

I know how you feel about wanting stuff to be perfect- it just shows you care about your family and are a good mom. But in actuality, your baby and husband will appreciate you more if you spend time with then: a sinkful of dishes wont bether them.. trust me!
think about what is meaningful to you in your life...If it is a clean house or reading to your child or talking to your mother on the phone, or making love to your husband. WHATEVER it is : write those things down and prioritize them in order of most important to you....every day make time for number one on the list....try to do the other things often...but every day make time for number will never feel dissatisfied. You might not have time for everything all the time anymore..let some things go...just not the important things.
Let some things GO!! You will put a wall between you and your hubby .... and baby if you don't. Learn to play in the dirt... have fun. Noone wants perfection. It makes you a ... is it.... stetson wife? I keep lists( a lot of lists!) and calenders. including what chores to do on what days. I get them done as soon as I can so I have the rest of the day to '; play'; with the babies. Relax. Life is a ride. Enjoy it. If you are to busy cleaning and organising , before you know it, your little one is 14 and has totally changed and you can't even recall when it happened. Slow down, and enjoy life :)

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