I definitely need help with my juggling skills. I can get the ball up into the air and hit it a few times with the laces but then it always seems like mess it up because I can't get a good touch on the ball. I've worked on it for hours within the past few days, and I know it takes time, but I don't seem to be improving much. Summer conditioning doesn't start until next week so I haven't really been able to talk to my coach about it. I really need to get this skill down because I know it'll help me with coordination during games. Any tips or exercises? Thanks :)
Plus freestyling is awesome :-PTips and exercises for juggling (coaches advice especially)?
don't worry about getting it off the ground
start with the instep, just drop it on there
you should be able to hit it straight up, a few times with each foot
once you get that down for both feet, add the knees, laces, head etc.Tips and exercises for juggling (coaches advice especially)?
to incrase your touch with the ball use ';the wall';.
juggling ok, but don't play only alone.
i'm italian; when i was kid i play ever in the street.
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