Saturday, July 31, 2010

Tips and Advice for a Prospective Cable Installer?

I am interviewing this afternoon for a position as a cable installer. I was wondering if anyone had any advice as to what they are looking for?

I have been to many job interviews before, but typically these were more suit and tie, office job interviews. I have a college degree, and don't fit the more typical profile of a cable installer, however the simple fact is I believe that I would enjoy this and do better than anything I have done yet.

I really just want to be able to work with my hands, drive around, meet people, and get paid decently for doing something that won't disappear anytime too soon. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, particularly from people who have worked as or hired cable installers.Tips and Advice for a Prospective Cable Installer?
30% of if your success is how you come across to the clients so insure your people skills are on there best behavior!!!

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