Thursday, July 29, 2010

Have you ever been on bedrest? Any tips or advice?

Hello :)

I just got put back on bedrest (its not super strict I am allowed up for 15minutes at a time) after saturday's trip to the ER for another episode of bleeding/cramping. I am 14 weeks pregnant and was off of the bedrest for about three whole days :)


Have you ever been on bedrest? Do you have any advice for me?

I have a 17 month old son so bedrest is very hard to stick to when I am alone with him during the day.

Any advice or tips would be great!

Thanks :)Have you ever been on bedrest? Any tips or advice?
Make sure you have a lot of books, mags, and anything else that is very entertaining on hand. If you don't watch that much tv, you will definitely overcompensate on bedrest. You'll be watching everything. Make sure things are close by to you so you won't have to walk around a lot. Now having a toddler as well, might be hard too. I would say keep little one close to you at all times as well. See if you can get anyone to help out while you are supposed to be resting. Best of luck!Have you ever been on bedrest? Any tips or advice?
Bed rest is horrible,I know.I have been on bed rest for over 3 months.I can give you ideas of what to do but eventually those run out too.When do you think you will be off bed rest?I do not have a toddler but all I can suggest is get all the help you can,friends and family.Join online support groups,read,crafting,online shopping,nap,color and try to get organized for the new baby. Surprisingly have found this time to go by quickly so I hope it does for you too.It is a great opportunity to learn something new.Most importantly it is important for you baby,good luck!
rely on your husband, or see if someone can come over to help with your son if possible, only do things that you feel comfortable doing, but try to stick to your doctors advice. I was put on bedrest at 4 mo. along, premature rupture of membranes and I was finally cleared off of it at 8 months. Funny thing being that they had to break my water then when i had her!! Anyway, good luck....and remember to rely on how you are feeling also, your body will tell you when you NEED to rest.
I was put on bedrest for the last 4 days. All I can say is make sure you have a comfy bed (lots of soft blankets and pillows), some books and magazines, drinks and snacks, and some good TV shows and movies to watch. My laptop has come very much in handy so if you have one of those always keep it handy. I don't have any children but perhaps he can watch movies and play in your room so you can stay in bed. Good luck i hope everything works out for you xx
My mom's friend was on bed rest and she found various things to keep her occupied (mainly books). But with your 17 mos old have him (or your husband, fiancee, or BF w/e it maybe, before he goes to work) bring his favorite games or toys into the room where you're staying and play with him on the bed. That way you can still interact with him and be in bed.
Enjoy your rest.. have some quality time with your son. Make it full of fun.. get some DVD's and watch them together. Knit, crochet, Ask your husband or any family members to share the load.

I have known bed rest to be prescribe for the full term, in many cases similar to yours. As boring and as tiring as it may sound, your unborn child must come first. Good luck again
make sure you have a lot of comfy pillows, good books to read, anything that you enjoy doing that you can do while in bed...I was on bedrest with my second for 3 almost 4 months and it was a challenge...I crochet so I made some baby blankets and stuff too
Sorry, I really don't have any advice, except try to get as much rest as possible. I feel for you!!

I have a 3 year old and am 28w2d with #2, and have had threats of bedrest thrown my way!! ( too, being alone )


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