Saturday, July 31, 2010

I NEED to loose weight. Fast tips and advice?

I'm 13... and I always feel fat. I'm about 105 pounds at 5'2, and I would love to be anywhere between 85-95. I know I can do this... I have before. I just need to eat healthier and exercise a lot! I really let myself go over the summer and gained 5 pounds! I used to be exactly 100 at the start of summer. I need ALL the advice I can get! I need to slim down in a month.

I would like to go from a size one to a size zero.

My measurements- 30/25/34. What are some good ways to minimize my hips?

THANK YOU!I NEED to loose weight. Fast tips and advice?
Omg, don't even think about losing any weight!! That's perfect for your height and age. You don't want to be stick thin!! But try eating more fruits and vegetables and not so many sweets. Exercise at least thirty minutes daily, even just going for a light won't take off much weight, but it'll keep you fit and feeling good!! You're too young to be getting concerned over this type of stuff, girl!! I NEED to loose weight. Fast tips and advice?
Obesity has become a major health problem around the world. Many companies have brought diet pills, medicines, powders and weight-loss belts in the market. Though these products claim to aid weight-loss, the weight reduction is temporary. Besides, the pills and powders can adversely affect your health. Here we offer you some tips to reduce weight successfully, without any negative health effects.

1 Reduce fat intake:

2 Reduce intake of sugar:

3 Decrease alcohol consumption:

4 Stay away from processed, fast and junk foods since they are laden with fat and sugar.

5 Reduce quantity of food without going hungry:

6 Adopt regular eating habits:

7 Raise the amount of physical activity:

8 Learn a new hobby or interest:

9 Improve your metabolism by eating natural foods:

10 Control your appetite:

Search :How to Reduce Weight Quickly - Healthy life every day!;lr=%26amp;newwindow=1%26amp;as_qdr=all%26amp;;btnG=Search

if your still in school join track or cross country cuz if you really wanna lose weight you need to run alot and i mean ALOT and if your not in school jus run down your road or block and if your not sweatin your either not properly hydrated or you didnt run enough and make sure its over 1 mile cuz youll get faster results that way. Good luck :)

id LOVE to wiegh 105 pounds

and your in a size 1!

hun, dont worry. your very healthy, and if u weight 85 pounds ud be anorexic


BUT if your very detemrind try jogging in the AM for about 30 minsand drink alot of water. cut down on the soda and chocolate.

eat alot of greens :)
You said healthy and exercise.

Try to jog for 20 mins in the morning....just around the block or something. And cut out sugar and fast food. Drink lots of water. Sounds like you already know what to do. Good luck.
Go on a short jog everyday and every week make it just a little bit longer. don't cheat just work on it and work on it. Or just become belemic and throw up after you eat.

this is a sign of a eating disorder... you are fine the way you are. dont try to do anything stupid without talking to your doc or a shrink. it could just be puberty
At 13, you should know the difference between lose and loose.
Color all your food blue, it'll make you want to eat less.
u call that fat? exercise on daily basis. run on tracks do some p.e derrr!
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