Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Im dieting, any tips or advice?

Well, im 13 years old and im not obiece or fat im just a tad over weight, I just want to know if this is a pretty healthy way to go.

Today: Breakfast-yogurt

Lunch:Slice of whole weat bread

Dinner-Salad-italian dressing,tomatoes,olives,almonds, crutons,shredded cheese(american)

Drinks-Water, Gatorade(might not be the best but i cant only drink water) 2 cups of water, 1 cup of gatorade.

Exercise-(im going to) Jog a block, 100crunches(100 is the only piont were it starts to hurt) 2 sets of 30 squats.

Is this a healthy day? I'll probably do something like this every day.Im dieting, any tips or advice?
id say eat more for dinner,

eat cereal for breakfast (if u watch the portion sizes its about the same as yogurt) its more filling, atleast for me=]

and if ur only drinking water a gatorade, then drink more water, ur supposed to drink atleast 8 cups of water a day (and why count how much water u drink anyway? it has no calories)Im dieting, any tips or advice?
Try this:

Eat 5-6 smaller meals a day instead of 3 big ones because at the rate you are going, you are doing more harm than good to your body. The reason is because you are not getting as many calories as you should be.

For Breakfast, you might start off with a glass of milk and slice of toast or bowl of cereal or oatmeal with some fresh fruit like sliced strawberries, banana or blueberries.

Have a light snack to hold you over between Breakfast and Lunch: Maybe some granola, a piece of fruit or even a yogurt. This will keep you from feeling hungry between meals.

For Lunch, you might have a small green garden salad with tomato and cucumber and a couple of croutons or a yogurt or a sandwich and glass of milk, water or non-calorie drink like a Diet Coke, Iced Tea without sugar or even a flavored water (like one of those El Cheapo waters you can buy for under $1...Gatorade only contains electrolytes that is for extreme exercising, meaning exercising that you are going to be doing for really long durations)

Have another snack to hold you over until dinner.

For Dinner, have a dinner that is sensible...DON'T eat 陆 of a cheese pizza and wash it down with a gallon of soda. Eat a portion of meat that is no larger than a deck of playing cards with some veggies and try not to go for the seconds. (It takes 20 minutes for your body to digest the food you eat, so if you eat a reasonable portions, you will feel full)

You can have a dessert like some Jell-0 with some Lite Whipped Cream or some fresh fruit.

DO BE SURE TO TRY TO DRINK A LITTLE BIT OF WATER because this is for normal kidney function and to flush your body out. You DON'T have to drink a gallon of water all once (just try to drink as much as possible throughout the day!)

As for the exercising, start SLOW AND WORK UPWARDS and don't try to overdo it because your muscles will only burn so many calories at a time at at your age, your body is just starting to develop. The average adult only needs to exercise about 20 minutes at a time to stay fit, so you can just imagine what it is for someone your age.

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